Grade 4 Tutoring
Grade 4 students love our ICan Education tutors because they put a whole new spin on learning!

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Subjects we offer
The iAchieve Grade 4 Program takes your child’s confidence to a whole new level by improving their English, Math, French, and Science knowledge based on the Ontario Curriculum.
In Grade 4, students are already halfway through elementary school, so it’s important they stay on track. Grade 4 English, Math, Science, and French gets a little tougher, so if your child needs some help, our ICan Education tutors are happy to assist them.
English Tutoring
English Tutoring
- Listen and answer to a variety of questions and media works
- Write short texts using several forms such as a story, a simple letter, and a poem
- Express ideas and opinions on different topics, use appropriate pronunciation
- Read and demonstrate understanding of written texts through written and oral responses
Math Tutoring
Math Tutoring
- Counting and ordering numbers up to 1000
- Adding and subtracting three-digit numbers
- Counting by 1’s, 2’s, 5’s, 10’s, 25’s , and 100’s
- Calculating money amounts up to $10
- One-digit multiplication, division by one-digit divisors
- Measuring distance in kilometres, mass in kilograms, and capacity in litres
- Telling time to the nearest 5 minutes
- Understanding geometric patterns with number sequences, a number line, and bar graphs
- Reading and displaying data using vertical and horizontal bar graphsf
Science Tutoring
Science Tutoring
- Communities and habitats
- Understanding pulleys and gears
- Understanding light and sound
- Exploring rocks and minerals
iLearn French
ICan Education’s iLearn French Grade 4 program boosts your child’s confidence with all things French!
French Tutoring
French Immersion Tutoring
- Be able to listen and respond to questions from written texts and media works such as stories and articles
- Express their opinions and interpret facts of stories and media works in a discussion
- Write short texts in French for charts, diagrams, computer graphics, and pictures
- Identify and practice French language structures such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs
Extended French Tutoring
- Be able to repeat and recite a variety of passages, songs, and poems
- Follow written instructions to play a game and solve a problem
- Write a first draft in simple French structures and newly acquired vocabulary
- Identify and practice French language structures such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, and interrogative constructions
Core French Tutoring
- Be able to listen and respond to specific questions
- Read at least six simple passages or stories
- Express their opinions and interpret facts from written materials such as fill in the missing words, answer short questions
- Write a first draft in simple French structures
- Identify and practice French language structures such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, and interrogative constructions
iAM Determined
At ICan Education, we tutor Grade 4 students with ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder), ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders) and ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder).
We understand that each child has their own unique way of learning and with the Grade 4 iAm Determined Program, we sit down with you and create a personalised IEP (Individual Education Program) to ensure your child learns effectively.
iAM Determined
iAM Determined
- Concentration
- Inattentiveness to detail
- Interrupting or answering out of turn
- Troubles following instructions
Does your child hate doing homework? Get Grade 4 homework done swiftly with ICan Education’s personalised Homework Help programs. Our tutors make homework into fun and exciting tasks!
Homework Help
Homework Help
- Following instructions
- Research skills
- Using learning materials to apply to homework
- Applying feedback positively
Excellent tutoring services!
Excellent tutoring services! I am extremely happy with my daughter’s progress after enrolling with ICAN Education. Very helpful, professional and knowledgeable Manager. Highly recommended!
Friendly & Inviting
ICAN has been very helpful with filling in the gaps with my daughter education. Everyone is very friendly and inviting. We find this to be helpful for our daughter learning environment ! Thank you ICAN Education.
Impressive programs
Impressive programs for child’s academic progress & enhancement! Would recommend this place for tutoring.
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Brampton – Heartlake
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Brampton – Queen Street
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Brampton – Springdale
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Brampton – Castlemore
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Brampton – Financial Dr
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Mississauga – Erin Mills
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Mississauga – Meadowvale
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Mississauga – Square One
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Stoney Creek
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Toronto – Don Mills
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Toronto – St. Clair Avenue West
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