Grade 10 Tutoring
Grade 10 students’ breeze through English, Math, Science, and French with the help of one of our ICan Education tutors!

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Subjects we offer
The iExcel Program helps Grade 10 students’ complete tough assignments and get through exams in English, Math, and Science with excellent preparation by one of our certified ICan English tutors!
English Tutoring
Academic English
- Speaking to communicate with different people in daily interactions
- Analyse style elements in contemporary and historical literary texts
- Prepare for the compulsory Grade 11 university and college preparation course
Applied English
- Identify different perspectives from media works and complex readings
- Communicate with formal and informal audiences
- Use several audio-visual aids in presentations
- Write, revise, and publish works with correct punctuation, spelling, and grammar
Math Tutoring
Academic Math
- Practice problem solving and algebraic skills
- Solve linear systems
- Trigonometry of right and acute triangles
- Problem solving through multi-step reasoning
Applied Math
- Develop graph equations related to analytic geometry
- Understand and interpret graphs on quadratic relations
- Determine measurements of triangles
Science Tutoring
Academic Science
- Biology of plants, animals, and human beings
- Investigate acid-base chemical reactions
- Elements affecting climate change
- Interaction of light and matter
Applied Science
- Biology of cells, tissues, and organs
- Affects of global climate change
- Technologies using properties of colour and light
- Transforming light into useful forms of energy
iLearn French
Grade 10 French is challenging and at ICan Education, our certified tutors are happy to assist your kids to improve their writing, speaking, and reading skills in French.
French Tutoring
Grade 10 Level French
- Identifying personal and demonstrative pronouns, verbs, and negation
- Research, write, and revise French essays
- Speak with the appropriate pronunciation of verb tenses
iAM Determined
Grade 10 students with ADD, ADHD, and ASD who enjoy learning at their own pace will love the iAm Determined Program because our certified tutors are here to help students achieve greatness!
iAM Determined
iAM Determined
- Concentrating on completing one assignment at a time
- Turn taking so there is no miscommunication
- Scanning sources for information to get answers
iGO beyond
Grade 10 students who enroll in the iGo Beyond Program do awesome in the Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate Programs because they’re well prepared. At ICan Education, we have certified tutors who help them reach for the stars and get outstanding grades!
English Tutoring (IB & AP Programs)
IB Program
- Develop advanced reading and writing skills
- Understand critical literary methodologies for historical and contemporary works
- Apply critical thinking to everyday situations
AP Program
- Emphasis on advanced reading and writing skills for daily communication and success in academic programs
- Analyse history and contemporary literary works
- Presentations on topics to promote effective communication
- Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test preparation
Math Tutoring (IB & AP Programs)
IB Program
- Understand and solve geometry problems
- Explore uniform motion of all types
- Understand linear systems with metrics
- Solve algebra-formulae and surds
- Solve quadratic equations
AP Program
- Practice algebraic skills with problem-solving
- Applied quadratic relations
- Solve linear systems
- Trigonometry of acute triangles
- Solving math problems in steps
ScienceTutoring (AP Programs)
AP Program
- Learn about the relationship between technology and scientific principles
- In-Depth analysis on chemicals, magnetism, and ecosystems
- The solar systems and space exploration
Excellent tutoring services!
Excellent tutoring services! I am extremely happy with my daughter’s progress after enrolling with ICAN Education. Very helpful, professional and knowledgeable Manager. Highly recommended!
Friendly & Inviting
ICAN has been very helpful with filling in the gaps with my daughter education. Everyone is very friendly and inviting. We find this to be helpful for our daughter learning environment ! Thank you ICAN Education.
Impressive programs
Impressive programs for child’s academic progress & enhancement! Would recommend this place for tutoring.
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Brampton – Heartlake
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Brampton – Queen Street
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Brampton – Springdale
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Brampton – Castlemore
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Brampton – Financial Dr
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Mississauga – Erin Mills
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Mississauga – Meadowvale
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Mississauga – Square One
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Stoney Creek
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Toronto – Don Mills
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Toronto – St. Clair Avenue West
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